My kids had a swim meet over the weekend. This equates to eight hours per day of excruciating boredom punctuated by short periods of sheer terror. It’s a grin. They say the idle mind is the devil’s workshop and he was indeed a busy fellow.
The presidential election consumed my thoughts at the meet, mainly because it has me completely baffled. Normally I know which candidate I’ll vote for at this point but not this year. In fact, I may actually write in a candidate. Some tell me it’s a waste but I need to know that at least I cast a vote. I feel it’s a duty that we have, really a debt owed to those who came before us. It also insures my four year right to shake my head, laugh or flat out bitch if necessary. I won’t mention candidate names specifically because I don’t want to alienate either of my readers but, ultimately, my feelings come down to the issue of trust. I just don’t feel it toward any of the candidates. Who does a middle of the road type guy without a party affiliation vote for? What would help me gain some trust in one of these folks?
Well, I’m thinking of a new twist for a debate. Let’s take the top five candidates. The two democrats and the top three republicans get to be on our show. We’ll need some space here, so back up. I want five gurneys on the stage. Relax, no one’s getting hurt. Yes, egos will be bruised, candidacies trashed and, if deserved, some career’s might go up in flames but there will be no physical harm done. Each candidate will be hooked up to an IV while the make-up people and hair stylists work their magic. Quickly people, once the sodium pentathol kicks in, it’s gonna get weird. (Sodium pentathol being one of several barbiturates falling into the “truth serum” category.) We don’t want any arguing or excuses regarding a moderator’s political leanings so questions will be posed by five spelling bee winners from nearby elementary schools. Also, tone of voice has been known to influence the answers of subjects on sodium pentathol so we want an agreeable tone and cadence. We’re keeping a nice even playing field here, no stacking the deck. The questions are video recorded and will be played in a pre-determined order. Each child’s question will be answered by each candidate. Can you imagine a better springboard for a budding newscaster?
The debate will be broadcast on all the usual channels, with one exception: pay per view will carry a split screen, allowing the viewer to see not just the candidate but also his or her campaign manager’s face as each question is answered. A bargain at any price. Proceeds will be used to reduce the national debt.
My gut feel is they won’t go for it. Nonetheless, that’s my contribution to the election of 2016. Almost certainly, my vote will be cast for Charles Nelson Reilly McGaughey (he prefers Chuck). What you really need to know is that he’s kind, always has a smile on his face and is wise beyond his 63 years (dog years, but we’ll sort that out before the inauguration).
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